Prayer as advocacy: the persistent widow
Reflections on Luke 18:1-8
It can be hard to know where to start when we feel the nudge to advocate for justice. How do we find out who to contact? Do we email, call, or show up in person? Will our one voice matter?

Raising your voice: Advocacy in the book of Esther
Reflections on Esther 1-10
Sometimes when we pray for justice for our vulnerable neighbors, God answers our prayers by calling us into action on their behalf. In the story of Esther, we read of an unlikely advocate: a Jewish orphan given a position of privilege who risked everything by speaking up to a powerful king.

Using your talents for the good of others: Abigail’s story
Reflections on 1 Samuel 25
Challenging those in power can be intimidating. Our fear that we lack the knowledge, experience, or authority to intervene can hold us back, but in truth one person using their gifts at the right place and the right time can change the course of history.

1,900 Miles From Washington: Reflections from the U.S.-Mexico Border
As a member of the National Immigration Forum’s Digital Communications team, every day, I read, write, and talk about people, stories, and policies connected to the U.S.-Mexico border. I work less than four miles from the White House, and over 1,900 miles from the bridge...

The plant with no garden/The woman with no home
The plant with no garden
Its story began in obscurity.
A seed buried in darkness so deep that light seemed a far away dream.
Deep into the damp darkness something began to happen that felt like undoing.