Ask your legislators to support the Afghan Adjustment Act!

Tens of thousands of our Afghan neighbors who were evacuated during the U.S. military withdrawal in 2021 are still waiting in legal limbo. We’re calling on Congress to honor America’s promises to our allies and to pass legislation to protect Afghan allies and evacuees with permanent legal status. Join us in raising your voice for our Afghan neighbors!

Tell your Representative to support the bipartisan coalition working to fix our border and immigration system.

It’s been decades since Congress has passed meaningful bipartisan legislation, and we need our legislators to take brave action to bring our immigration system into the 21st century. Join us in urging your House Representative to work across the aisle to enact legislation that provides the solutions America needs and voters want.

Tell President Biden that seeking asylum is legal.

Seeking asylum is a legal right recognized both internationally and in U.S. law. Our leaders must not sacrifice the rights and protections of one vulnerable population in order to accomplish other goals. We can prioritize BOTH security and human dignity in the way that we carry out our border policies. Email President Biden today and remind him that he must protect the human rights of all asylum seekers and migrants who encounter federal officials at our borders.

Take Action for Dreamers.  

An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that Dreamers should be able to stay in the United States permanently and keep contributing to our communities and economy. However, the many versions of the Dream Act introduced in the last 20 years have yet to be passed. We need Congress to finally take action so that our friends and neighbors can finally have the security of legal status. Raise your voice today to affirm that Dreamers deserve a path for their status on paper to match the reality that home is here.