The plant with no garden/The woman with no home

They say bloom where you are planted but what if you have been buried without room to grow?

They say bloom where you are planted but what if you have been uprooted from the life you love due to circumstances beyond your control?

They say bloom where you are planted but what if you are perpetually without land to rest on?

We can change this. 

We have the ability to make this soil of America a place where Afghan men, women, and children don’t have to stay in the limbo of temporary statuses that leave them at risk of being uprooted and transplanted again. 

We can urge our elected officials to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act. 

We can pass the Afghan Adjustment Act and offer our Afghan brothers and sisters a place to bear fruit and thrive.


Written by Brooklyn Stephens, Community Engagement Coordinator and Community Liaison for North Carolina for We Choose Welcome


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