Choosing Welcome through Refugee Sponsorship

Special notice: As of January 20th, 2025, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and Welcome Corps have been suspended until further notice. Check Welcome.US to stay up to date on changes to this and other private sponsorship programs. Contact your federal representatives to support sponsorship pathways using this guide.

Are you interested in private refugee sponsorship, but still have questions? You’re in the right place! Our We Choose Welcome team is joining with the Welcome Corps to support groups interested in private refugee sponsorship. 

What is Welcome Corps?

The Welcome Corps is a new program that empowers everyday Americans to privately sponsor refugees. You can apply to form a Private Sponsorship Group (PSG) to welcome refugees into your community and assist newcomers as they build new lives in the United States. Private sponsorship allows groups of at least 5 people in the U.S. to provide initial welcome and support to refugee newcomers – from the initial airport greeting to securing housing, jobs, and school enrollment, private sponsorship groups commit to walking alongside refugees for their first 90 days in the community.

Why should we consider sponsorship?

Over 35 million people worldwide are refugees who have been forced to leave everything behind because of persecution and violence. So many of these precious people are waiting in refugee camps or countries where they will never be allowed to settle permanently and build a life. Less than 1% of refugees are selected for refugee resettlement through a formal program like we have in the United States, and most remain in neighboring countries with limited opportunities. 

Now there’s an opportunity for us to do something about this. There are many reasons to consider sponsorship, but here are a few that we find the most compelling:

Watch this video to hear about one community's experience with sponsorship.

What is the time commitment and financial responsibility?

You will commit to providing friendship, guidance, and financial support for the refugees’ initial 90 days in the United States. Of course, we hope the relationships you build will last a lifetime!

You must raise a minimum of $2,425 in cash and in-kind contributions per newcomer being welcomed. This is used to secure and furnish housing and provide for the refugee’s initial basic needs until they secure employment.

Thanks to donations received by Welcome Corps, a fund is now available to cover a significant amount of the sponsorship costs for new groups who apply. That means you no longer have to raise money prior to submitting your application! If you’ve been considering sponsorship, the time to act is now.

What happens after I form my group of 5?

  • Get a background check for each group member. 

  • Complete the online Welcome Corps training. 

  • Write a Welcome Plan. 

  • Start on fundraising (the Sponsor Fund noted above will cover the funds needed to submit an application). 

  • Submit your application!

  • Sign your commitment forms.

*We have coaches to walk you through this!

I have more questions (or I’m ready to start)!

We’re excited to walk alongside you as you begin this journey! Here are some next steps; choose which one is right for you!

  • Learn more about sponsorship through our info webinar or hear from sponsors what it’s been like for them to welcome newcomers!

  • Visit our FAQ page

  • Email with any questions or to set up a call for you and your friends!

Resources to help you share about Welcome Corps with your community: